Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Much has been said about this holiday coming up next week.  I'm not a statistics person-- but it seems from all the graphs that have been put out there on the internet lately that this is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience of the convergence of Hannukah and Thanksgiving.  I for one am excited about celebrating the holidays together.  A few thoughts on why:

1.  We are together with Josh's family for Thanksgiving-- now we are together also for many nights of Hannukah  (unfortunately not my family... will miss you Mom and Dad! Will see you on the 8th night).  Holidays are all about family togetherness, and now we can light the menorah together and celebrate the miracle of having some relaxing time away.  We will be close to the Wampanoag land this year for Thanksgiving, too, a cool little coincidence.

2.  The Turkey-Menorah.  I'm so upset that I didn't make it up to the Jewish Museum to get one before they sold out!  A real collector's item and a funny, artistic way of celebrating the holidays.

3.  Sweet potato Latkes.  Needs no explanation.

4.  The themes of Hannukah and Thanksgiving mesh well for me.  Both are home holidays rich with family traditions.  Their origins are both about healing and celebration after a battle for survival, about giving thanks for the miracle of being on this land.  Maybe we'll spin our Israeli dreidls this Thanksgiving-- "Nes gadol haya PO" (a great miracle happened HERE, normally found in Israel) instead of the usual American "Nes gadol haya SHAM" (a great miracle happened THERE).

5.  Hannukah this year doesn't have to compete with Christmas.  Except that the Christmas stuff went up in all the stores right after Halloween.  Hannukah in no ways can compare to the grandeur and hugeness of Christmas.  And this year it's so early that our kids will have forgotten all about it once Christmas actually rolls around.  But more about the "December Dilemma" in another blog.

Enjoy your deep-fried turkeys and pumpkin suvganiyot!!

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