Friday, February 12, 2010

Pregnancy brain... fact or fiction?


It prepares you for "baby brain," which I think is all biology-- you take better care of the baby if you focus on him/her instead of everything else going on around you.  And the sleeplessness of pregnancy prepares you for the sleeplessness of having a newborn... 

But all this preparation can be not so fun.  At WRT now we have 2 pregnant cantors (b'sha'ah tovah Cantor Abramson!) and things get a little funny at times.  Like us going back and forth to each other saying, "Did I tell you about this meeting?"  "Did we remember to include the kiddush on the new B'nai Mitzvah packets?"  "Did you write that detail down?  Because I know I won't remember it otherwise..."  I'm more guilty of it than she is, since I'm super-sleepy with Lena up at all hours trying to transition to her big-girl bed. 

I find my pregnancy brain spills over into my personal life as well.  Josh reminds me repeatedly that I've already told him a certain story.  I've gotten good at covering myself when I haven't a clue what's going on in the news and everybody else is talking about it.  (What?  The super-bowl happened?  Of course I know who won... who was playing again??) 

I don't remember where I was going with this blog entry.  I guess I'll end it here.  Oh yeah, Josh is in Israel with his congregation for 12 days... and did I mention that Lena's not sleeping thru the night in her big girl bed yet???  Maybe I'll convince her that Shabbat should be a day of rest for both of us!!!


  1. Well, "they" say you lose brain cells with each pregnancy! Ha! "some" will say you've lost your mind...but truly, you are so busy with so much to do and remember, you cannot possibly be everything to everyone, no matter how super you are. And since Lena is so young and needy, and not sleeping...well you're living it, so you know how it is. I know it doesn't help to hear "this too shall pass," but if you can hang onto your patience and "outwait" her, she'll get the hang of things soon. Besides, isn't Grandma on her way? She'll be a big help! In the meantime, know that a lot of us have been through what you're going through, and can help with listening ears and hearts, and perhaps a sage word or 2. Feel free to call upon us, we don't mind! And yes, it is harder without Daddy around as "backup." Again, Grandma will help! :) Shabbat Shalom! mks

  2. Two funny pregnancy brain stories:
    - While pregnant with my first child and told a friend about my pregnancy stupidity, a friend told me that there is bad news and good news. The bad news is that after having the child, the sharp brain never comes back. The good news is that your partner/spouse joins you in the fog!
    - The all-time low of pregnancy brain was when I asked Rob during a meal to get me a " of those things you eat with that has the pokey things." "A fork?" he replies. "Yes, a fork!"

  3. Yes-lately I have been forgetting to lock my car doors AND the other day forgot to turn the engine off while I was running errands for 15 minutes! Now I obsessively check the car about 10 times before leaving it.
